SWD Elderly Information Website
SWD Elderly Information Website

Application Method

Residential Care Services Scheme in Guangdong

Eligibility Criteria

All elderly persons who have been assessed and matched for residential care services under Social Welfare Department (SWD)’s Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services and are waitlisted for care-and-attention places or nursing home places on Central Waiting ListNote.  

How to Apply

  • Eligible elderly persons who would like to apply for the Residential Care Services Scheme in Guangdong (GDRCS Scheme) may contact their responsible workers of elderly persons’ Long Term Care services.
  • New applicants or persons acting on behalf of the applicants may approach the following referring offices for raising the request:
    1. District Elderly Community Centres / Neighbourhood Elderly Centres;
    2. Medical Social Services Units;
    3. Integrated Family Service Centres / Integrated Services Centres ; and
    4. Others service units e.g. Family and Child Protective Service Units.

  For details and latest information on the GDRCS Scheme, please click here to visit the SWD website.


The elderly persons under the following four categories may be unsuitable for joining the GDRCS Scheme. They are:

  1. subjects of guardianship order under the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap.136) with the Director of Social Welfare acting as the public guardian;
  2. in need of social workers of SWD acting as their appointees to manage their welfare money under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme or Social Security Allowance Scheme;
  3. required to attend regular follow-ups at psychiatric unit (excluding those suffering from dementia); and
  4. required to receive renal dialysis treatment.